Shall I play for You? pa rum pum pum pum on my drum?

for KING & COUNTRY posted their new Christmas song Saturday. I clicked to save it for later because we were in the hospital with my dad and I didn’t wanna play this loud video right then. So, while dad and bubba napped tonight, I watched it. I practically started crying in the first ten seconds. for KING & COUNTRY were just playing their little hearts out and all I could think is they are just like the little drummer boy, playing as loud and much as they can for You, Lord. The video is like the epitome of living with a childlike faith. It may have been grown men on that stage, but all I saw was a bunch of little boys beating their drums for You, God.

My daddy acts that way when he tells stories or brings someone food. It’s like pure, childlike joy that comes across those boy’s faces. For my bubba, he acts like a child when we’re waiting on dad to come back from rehab and he’s bored. He literally took my tennis shoes off. Not only did he untie them, he took the entire lace out. When my dad came back and saw what my bubba was doing, he told him to do it to the other shoe. They literally were grinning ear to ear while I’m just sitting there without shoes on.

Now I don’t know how that childishness relates to serving You like the other two instances. Maybe it’s his generous love for others. Because that boy is the definition of 1 Corinthians 13. We were sitting next to the poster with part of the chapter and when he was taking my shoes off, I told him to replace his name with the word love. He did it and kinda laughed, and joked back that he wasn’t any of those things. But he is. My bubba is patient, he is kind. He does not envy or boast. He might be a little proud sometimes. 18-21 are the unbearable boy years. “The know-it-all years.” I went through my obnoxious know-it-all phase at 18 too, but by 19-20 I grew out of it. My bubba is still rocking this phase. But he does not dishonor others. He is not self-seeking. Now when he was growing up, he was easily angered. But my daddy taught him the measure of a man is the size of things that make him angry. It took them both a hot minute to learn this, but they did. He keeps no records of wrongs. He does not delight in evil and definitely rejoices in truth. He protects, trusts, hopes, perseveres, and never fails. He might be a 21 year old man, but he will always be that little boy jumping on my bed, asking me about You, God and praying with me.

My daddy might be turning 50, he’s still a little boy on the play ground chasing my mama around, throwing dirt on her. Gary Allan has a song about how “when tough little boys grow up to be dads, they turn into big babies again.” Before I was born, my dad bought a book and taught himself how to braid hair. And every time, my daddy braids my hair, I think he cries a little.

So, here is my prayer today. I pray that I learn from these strong men in my life. I pray that I serve you in all I do with a heart of a child. I pray that I beat my drum with all my heart for all my life. I pray that I am patient and kind. I pray that I do not envy or boast. I pray that I am not proud. I pray that I do not dishonor others. I pray that I am not self-seeking or easily angered. I pray I keep no record of wrongs. I pray I do not delight in evil and I rejoice in truth. I pray I protect, trust, hope, persevere, and with you never fail. I pray that I worship with you will all I do. I pray all I do brings glory to your name. I pray that everything I do shines a light for you. And as always I pray for my family and sorority sisters. I pray for my university. I pray for guidance for our government, church, and school leaders. I pray for protection for our troops. I pray for all of those that need you now and for those that haven’t met you yet. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

And I’m alright, I’m okay.

I just heard this song that completely related to my life. The song is Downside Of Growing Up. The song starts talking about how hard it is leaving your mama. Well, to be honest, I’m graduating in May, so I’m pretty used to crying as I leave my mama. It really doesn’t get easier leaving, you just also create a home in college, so it makes it hard to leave here too. College pulls your heart in so many different directions, sometimes it’s hard to find all the pieces. This summer, I said good-bye to my mama and moved into a house with a couple of roommates. I love the freedom. I can have candles and there’s no RA coming to check to see if my trash is piled up or if the fire alarm works, again. The downside is there is no more of the really nice maintenance men coming to fix things for me. I have to fix things myself. So, I went into Lowe’s and I figured out what I needed and tried to replace that toilet handle myself. The first time was a bust and to be honest, I wanted my daddy to come fix it for me. The downside is he is 5 hours away so, I had to go back to Lowe’s. The second time was a success. I have never been more proud to fix something in my whole life. Ok. I get it. It’s like a $7 replacement and it was like super easy to do, but I did it all on my own. Ok. It was a big step into the adult world for me.

Then this morning was less than stellar. I started by missing my classes because I was in a car accident. I was on time this morning and I was looking cute, like everything was going good, until it wasn’t. The downside of growing up was that my parents were 5 hours away. The truth is, as bleak as the morning looked, I felt this overwhelming sense of peace. So, because I love lists: Here is a list of blessings for today:

  1. My daddy was on the phone with me the whole time, reminding me to breathe. He is usually a complete softy, ok. I don’t care what all the stories say about how tough or strong or he was or how he used to be like the best football player ever, ok. The man braided my hair and drove me to every single club meeting, event, performance, and cried like a baby every single time he was proud of me, which was every time I breathed. When Gary Allen sings Tough Little Boys, he is singing about my daddy. This morning however, that was the strongest man I’ve ever known. His reassurance held me together.
  2. There was a Bible in the ER room, so I could turn to Isaiah 43:2.
  3. My person dropped everything to be by my side, the moment I called her and she stayed right there by me the whole day. She texted my mom updates. She stood by me as they towed my car away. She stood by me in the ER. She stood by me while I waited on prescriptions. She stood by me at home too, just to make sure I was ok. She was everything I needed and more.
  4. In the X-Ray room, there is a dry erase board. Written on that board is Psalm 86:7 which says: In the day of my trouble I call upon you, for you answer me.
  5. When the insurance claims man called, he started by saying he was an Alum of South Alabama, Go Jags. I hope me knows how fabulous that was to hear.
  6. My little was beyond thoughtful. She stood by me in the ER in between classes. Then she brought me dinner, AmeriCone Dream ice cream for later, and breakfast for tomorrow. She texted my littles and grandlittles to let them know I was safe.
  7. My lovely Alpha Gam sister serenaded me Shake It Off. It meant more to me than words can explain.
  8. My roommate looked at me when she got home and said you look like you need a hug. I most certainly did.

I might have started this morning thinking I was going to see the downside of growing up, but I felt pretty blessed instead.

So, that is my prayer today. While the song says your dad ain’t there to get you unstuck, thank you for making sure that wasn’t true for me. Thank you for my daddy’s strength and kindness today. Thank you for making sure that you, my heavenly father, will always be there to get me unstuck. Thank you giving me a daddy to teach me that. Thank you for the many wonderful people that took care of me at the accident, in the er, in the line to get my prescription, and everywhere I went today. Thank you for the lady, when I called 911, that told me to just breathe. I pray for all of them. They were so kind and extremely patient with me. Thank you for my sisters for taking care of me. Thank you for Psalm 86:7 and the fact that I can call out to you when I’m scared. Thank you for reminding me that I’m not alone in more ways than one today. Thank you for the downside of growing up. Thank you teaching me and guiding me. Thank you for leading me. Thank you for reminding me how blessed I am. And as always I pray for my family and sorority sisters. I pray for my university. I pray for guidance for our government, church, and school leaders. I pray for protection for our troops. I pray for all of those that need you now and for those that haven’t met you yet. In Jesus’ name, Amen.