Tell her we love her and tell her she’s wanted.

There is an article going around Facebook called: “8 Reasons Why America Needs More Sadie And Less Miley.” I’m all for good role models and trying to live in a way that pleases You, Lord. I think Sadie is doing a great job sticking to her values, but doesn’t anyone remember just a few years ago when Miley was the “good girl?” I think that Sadie should be rewarded for efforts and I think she is a smart young woman. America totally deserves more good role models, but I don’t think that holding Sadie to an impossible standard or condemning Miley is the way to do it. That’s not fair to her or to Miley. Yes, she is doing great so far, but what happens if she messes up once or twice? Are we going to send her to the wolves too?

That is way too much pressure. That’s the kind of pressure that we put Miley under and Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, and The Jonas Brothers. We’re human. We make mistakes and we try to make up for those mistakes and learn from them. It makes it even harder to do that when everyone in your small town is watching you, much less the entire world watching.

I am very proud of Sadie and the level of grace she is carrying. I hope and pray for her only the best. I think she is starting a beautiful legacy about modesty and staying true to your family and faith. I have been watching her on Dancing with the Stars and I watched her on Duck Dynasty. She is certainly using the talents and gifts You gave her to make a positive difference and I admire that so much! I hope she continues to thrive and bring glory to You. I think she really shines a wonderful light for You, Lord.

I think Miley is a lost young woman that wants attention and that’s exactly what they are giving her. She is still a human being. Doesn’t anyone remember the story of the prodigal son? Aren’t we called as Christians to love like Jesus does; like You do? Yes, I know we are also called to hold each other accountable, but I think we confuse and blur the lines a little. We think holding them accountable means condemning and shaming. I remembered this song.

When I was in middle school, a friend of mine, at the time, literally rooted for Miley for fail. She couldn’t believe someone was that much of a “good girl.” I never understood why people did that. When someone does something good, they want them to fail. When someone does something bad, they shame them out of existence. There is no winning. Barlow Girl has another song called Pedestal about role models that I think fits.

“Add you to my fallen list
One more has hit the ground
The fault was mine
Held you too high
Your only what was down”

Instead of more Sadie or less Miley, I think America needs more of You. Billy Graham said: “It’s the Holy Spirit’s job to convict. God’s job to judge, and my job to love.”

So, that is my prayer today. I pray for Sadie. I pray that she continues to shine for you. I pray for her family too. I pray for Miley. I pray for her and her family. I pray that she finds her way home. I pray for Selena, Demi, Joe, Nick, and Kevin. I pray they all know they are loved and wanted by you. I pray you put a hand on their lives and guide them. I pray that you protect them. Lord, I pray for more of you. Lord, I want to be consumed by you. And as always I pray for my family and sorority sisters. I pray for my university. I pray for guidance for our government, church, and school leaders. I pray for protection for our troops. I pray for all of those that need you now and for those that haven’t met you yet. In Jesus’ name, Amen.